Descendants of Francois Hamel
from Ruoen and Dieppe, Normandy, France

Courtesy of William Soderlund
Descendants of Francois Hamel

Note:  Number after first name denotes generation.

Generation No. 1

1.  Francois1 Hamel was born Abt. 1600 in Rouen and Dieppe, Normandy, France.

Children of Francois Hamel are:
2i.Charles2 Hamel, born 1624.  He married Judith Auvray in France.
       3ii.Jean Hamel, born 1635 in France; died October 11, 1674 in Quebec.

Generation No. 2

3.  Jean2 Hamel (Francois1) was born 1635 in France, and died October 11, 1674 in Quebec.  He married Marie Auvray in Dieppe, Normandy, France.

More About Jean Hamel:
Emigration: 1656, Came from France with brothers, Jean and Charles with their wives and Charle's son, Jean.

Children of Jean Hamel and Marie Auvray are:
4i.Ignace3 Hamel.

More About Ignace Hamel:
Ordination: June 06, 1697, Priest

+5ii.Jean Francois Hamel, born July 24, 1661 in Ste. Foy; died September 1733 in Lorette.
6iii.Marie Anne Hamel, born July 01, 1666.
7iv.Francois Hamel, born October 17, 1674.

Generation No. 3

5.  Jean Francois3 Hamel (Jean2, Francois1) was born July 24, 1661 in Ste. Foy, and died September 1733 in Lorette.  He married Anne Felicite LaVasseur April 23, 1685.

Children of Jean Hamel and Anne LaVasseur are:
 8i. Marie Anne4 Hamel, born 1686.
 9ii.Marie Charlotte Hamel, born May 24, 1691.
10iii.       Felicite Hamel, born 1697.
11iv.Marie Angelique Hamel, born 1700.
+     12v. Jean Hamel, born September 11, 1702 in Ste. Foy.
13vi.Noel Hamel, born December 14, 1704.
14vii.Marie Terese Hamel, born 1705.
15viii.Marie Anne Therese Hamel, born February 10, 1706/07.

Generation No. 4

12.  Jean4 Hamel (Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born September 11, 1702 in Ste. Foy.  He married Marie Anne Constantin 1718 in Lorette.

Child of Jean Hamel and Marie Constantin is:
+     16i.Louis Antoine5 Hamel, born December 10, 1730.

Generation No. 5

16.  Louis Antoine5 Hamel (Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born December 10, 1730.  He married Madeline Sedliot 1764.

Children of Louis Hamel and Madeline Sedliot are:
17i.Marie Anne6 Hamel, born October 20, 1765.
18ii.Louis Joseph Hamel, born February 27, 1767; died in infancy.
19iii.Louis Hamel, born June 07, 1769; died in infancy.
20iv.Louis Michel Hamel, born December 30, 1771.
21v.Ambroise Hamel, born April 03, 1774.
22vi.Marie Madeleine, born November 21, 1775.
+     23vii.Joseph Valentin Hamel, born February 14, 1782 in Ste. Foy.
24viii.Pierre Hamel, born September 07, 1788.

Generation No. 6

23.  Joseph Valentin6 Hamel (Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born February 14, 1782 in Ste. Foy.  He married Marie Louise Fontaine October 24, 1809.

Children of Joseph Hamel and Marie Fontaine are:
+     25i.Lange Charles7 Hamel, born June 21, 1812 in L'Isle Verte, Quebec; died August 26, 1887 in Hamel, Minnesota.
26ii.Andre Hamel, born 1814.
27iii.Marcel Hamel.
28iv.Lucie Hamel.
29v.Angele Hamel.

Generation No. 7

25.  Lange Charles7 Hamel (Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born June 21, 1812 in L'Isle Verte, Quebec, and died August 26, 1887 in Hamel, Minnesota.  He married Eugenie Moffett January 24, 1837 in L'Isle Verte, Quebec, daughter of Gabriel Moffett.

More About Lange Charles Hamel:
Burial: Cemetery at Hamel, Minnesota

More About Eugenie Moffett:
Burial: Cemetery at Hamel, Minnesota

Children of Lange Hamel and Eugenie Moffett are:
30i.Adele8 Hamel.
+     31ii.Angelle Hamel.
32iii.Joseph Octave Hamel, born 1839.
33iv.Marie Severine Hamel, born 1841; died in infancy.
34v.Lange 'Ange' Hamel, born July 18, 1842.
+     35vi.Marguerite Eugenia Hamel, born November 01, 1844.
36vii.Lange Hamel, Jr., born February 15, 1846.
+     37viii.William 'Guillaume' Hamel, born March 18, 1849.
+     38ix.Nelson 'Narceese' Hamel, born 1850.
+     39x.Anaise Hamel, born 1853.
+     40xi.Euphemia Hamel, born May 18, 1857.
+     41xii.Francis 'Frank' Hamel, born April 1860.
+     42xiii.Mary Hamel, born 1866.
43xiv.Eugene Hamel, born September 1869.

Generation No. 8

31.  Angelle8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1).  She married Didas Scott.

Children of Angelle Hamel and Didas Scott are:
44i.Philias9 Scott.
45ii.Hector Scott.
46iii.Aime Scott.
47iv.John Scott.
48v.Belindy Scott.
49vi.Elise Scott.
50vii.Virginia Scott.
51viii.Angeline Scott.
52ix.William Scott.
53x.Louis Scott.
54xi.Philip Scott.

35.  Marguerite Eugenia8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born November 01, 1844.  She married Roman Pouliot.

Children of Marguerite Hamel and Roman Pouliot are:
+     55i.Eugene9 Pouliot.
56ii.Eugenie Pouliot.
57iii.Theodore Pouliot.
58iv.Joseph Pouliot.
59v.Louis Pouliot.
60vi.Aubeline Pouliot.
61vii.Edmund Pouliot.
62viii.Emma Pouliot.
63ix.Alfred Pouliot.
64x.Amos Pouliot.
65xi.Mary Pouliot.
66xii.Aleda 'Stella' Pouliot.
67xiii.Archile 'Archie' Pouliot.
68xiv.Narcisse Pouliot.

37.  William 'Guillaume'8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born March 18, 1849.  He married Cordelia Christian.

Children of William Hamel and Cordelia Christian are:
+     69i.Adele 'Ida'9 Hamel, born February 03, 1877 in Hamel, Minnesota; died March 01, 1956 in Rogers, Minnesota.
70ii.Alfred Hamel.
71iii.Clara Hamel.
72iv.Alice Hamel.
73v.William Hamel.
74vi.Albert Hamel.
75vii.Euphemia Hamel.
76viii.Marie Hamel.
77ix.Edward Hamel.
78x.Lucian Hamel.
79xi.Clara S. Hamel.

38.  Nelson 'Narceese'8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born 1850.  He married Celina Labelle.

Children of Nelson Hamel and Celina Labelle are:
80i.Joseph9 Hamel.
81ii.Eugene Hamel.
82iii.Adele Hamel.
83iv.Melvina Hamel.
84v.Frank Hamel.
85vi.Mary Hamel.
86vii.Leo Hamel.
87viii.Elise Hamel.
88ix.William Hamel.
89x.Theodore Hamel.
90xi.Stella Hamel.

39.  Anaise8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born 1853.  She married Joseph Hamel.

Children of Anaise Hamel and Joseph Hamel are:
91i.Louis9 Hamel.
92ii.William Hamel.
93iii.Joseph Hamel.
94iv.Frank Hamel.
95v.Alexander Hamel.

40.  Euphemia8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born May 18, 1857.  She married Fabian Michaud.

Children of Euphemia Hamel and Fabian Michaud are:
96i.Stella9 Michaud.
97ii.Emma Michaud.
98iii.Grace Michaud.

41.  Francis 'Frank'8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born April 1860.  He married Josephine Laurent.

Child of Francis Hamel and Josephine Laurent is:
99i.Aleda9 Hamel.  She married Archie Pouliot.

42.  Mary8 Hamel (Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1) was born 1866.  She married David Carufel.

Children of Mary Hamel and David Carufel are:
100i.Joseph9 Carufel.
101ii.Edward Carufel.
102iii.Eugenie Carufel.
103iv.Bernadette Carufel.
104v.Adelma Carufel.
105vi.Arthur Carufel.

Generation No. 9

55.  Eugene9 Pouliot (Marguerite Eugenia8 Hamel, Lange Charles7, Joseph Valentin6, Louis Antoine5, Jean4, Jean Francois3, Jean2, Francois1).  He married Philomene Gorham.

Children of Eugene Pouliot and Philomene Gorham are:
106i.Emil10 Pouliot.
107ii.Frank Pouliot.  He married Ida Gamach.
108iii.Edwina Pouliot.  She married Peter Gamach.
109iv.Albert Pouliot.
110v.Joseph Pouliot.  He married Rose.
111vi.Dora Pouliot.  She married Joseph Krekleberg.

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